You are invited to write me an email or to call me. Please leave a message on the answering machine, as I do not have regular phone-consultation hours. During counseling I cannot answer the phone.
Susan M. Rüffer, M.A, M.A., Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie, Kunsttherapeutin - art therapist
Generosus-Kramer-Weg 2 • 78333 Stockach-Wahlwies • phone 07771 - 918 71 90 • e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please phone or email to schedule an appointment.
In very urgend cases like suicidal tendencies, please contact the next hospital or the Zentrum für Psychiatrie, Reichenau, phone 07531 - 97 70, immediately.
Things you might want to know about me:
Studies and further professional experience:
Foto: © Rüffer, 2015 |